What do you think of my manga idea? (Reposted for new feedback)?


New member
Jun 19, 2008
Read ‘’attention’’ if you read this idea already, if you haven’t read this idea already, you can skip ’’attention’’

(ATTENTION: if you commented on my idea or read this already, thanks, I appreciated all your advice, im only reposting this to see if I get more feedback then last time. You don’t have to comment again. And feel free to tell me if it sounds like another manga, but don’t just tell me it sounds like it, tell me what I can change to make it not sound like that manga. Thanks.)

Manga Name: Unknown

Powers: there are about 4 villages that each have there own type of powers

Elements/powers village: Fire/earth/wind/water/ice/metal/wood/psychic/nature/ (e.x. Making monster plants, controlling animals, ect)
and more

Physical powers village: people in this village use different type of weapons that contain unique and special attacks.

Weird powers village: people in this village have weird powers, as in someone might be made half gun, someone might have hands as swords, ect.

Main Characters: Hiroshi, his sister nariko, kai, moriko, kisho, and satoshi.

Main Villian: Moeagaru: captures strongest people and brainwashes or controls them to serve and fight for him

Short description: A young man sets off on a adventure to try to find his younger gifted sister, who was kidnapped by a evil man, moeagaru. He can remember much of the tragic day, but he plan to train long and hard to find his sister, with the help of three friends.

Whats so special about his sister?: his sister was one of the three people in the story that was born with all the elements and a special weapon power. (might change this later, this is all I could come up with on the spot)

More story-info: When Hiroshi’s sister, Nariko was mysteriously taken away in the woods long ago, Jin hashimoto, his father, scolds him for not being strong enough to save his younger sister. (Jin is one of the strongest leaders of the village, so, he expects to highly of his son)

But one day, the leaders of the village got news that Jin had been murdered by some of moeagarus team while trying to find and save his daughter. Hiroshi, having losing his mother when giving birth to Nariko, and now his father, is stricken when he hears the news about his father dieing. Hiroshi, being all alone, is confronted by Kai Ikeda, Jin’s old friend. Kai ikeda promised to take care of Hiroshi and train him so he will be strong enough to find his sister. Kai ikeda called the help of two young students who are very strong; the students are Moriko Fujii and Satoshi Itou.

Since the students are the same age as Hiroshi, Hiroshi refuses to let kids the same age as him teach him and wants only kais help. Hiroshi gets into a argument with satoshi; Kai and moriko brake up the fight. Kai explains to Hiroshi that there help will really help him get stronger and to ignore the fact there the same age. Because of the fight satoshi doesn’t really want to help him anymore but Kai explains that training him won’t only help him get stronger but it will help him and moriko also.

Satoshi agrees finally to help. Hiroshi trains privately with each of them one by one (satoshi, moriko, kai) to train different things such as speed, strength, and his element, ect. Kai also trains them all together with harder. As time goes on kai decides to give them missions to do together. As times go on the missions get harder and harder. Kai gave them one mission to go into the woods and save a lost traveler.

When there he meets a woman who trys to kill him when he is saved by a strange kid (around there age) named kisho tanaka, who threatens her to back off. The woman is shocked to see the kisho claiming to know who he is.

Kisho claims to have never seen her before and tells her to leave before he kills her, and the woman is leaveing she glances back at hiroshi saying that she will be back for him. Hiroshi thanks kisho happily, but then getting angry asking who kisho is, not sure if he can trust him.

All I have so far, thanks if you read it all, and remember, be honest, or ill never become a better writer ?