What do you think about me?


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Hi, I'm Janric. I'm 19 years old, and I kinda don't like the idea of growing up, because then I'd have people telling me it's weird and immature to eat icecream a lot. I've apparently been the victim of growing up, which apparently happens to all of us at one point or another. I grow up, without me knowing it, so sometimes I spill myself out of the reality of being 19 and get back to the things I do when I was 10. Growing up, for me, doesn't have to be completely new.

I lived in the Philippines for the past eighteen years, but then the drama of my life twisted a little bit and had me ending up in this beautiful country called Norway. I love Nesna. That's where I live. Close to nature, away from the city, this town is almost perfect. When I'm bored, I ride my bicycle around the town and wink at elderly people. Some of them actually wave back,and some of them would just stare back at me like I just killed Lady Gaga.Haha! They might think I'm the weirdest psycho in Norway, but hey, there's nothing wrong with being friendly and trying to be cool.
I've always tried my best to be cool, but I guess it's just not the way I am. I was never a part of a basketball team or any other sports business whatsoever. But I love who I am and there is no other me on this planet, so I think I'm still coool.

I write or draw stuff on my left hand to express happiness and rebellion. I'm an introverted person. I prefer being alone in a darkroom with my ipod than be in a party with a lot of people. It's not that I don't love being with people, but I find it comforting and peaceful to be in the dark,in the wilderness--where noone else dwells except my soul and my ipod.

I call myself a writer, because I really, really love to write. I've been writing poems and short stories ever since I learned who William Shakespeare is--that's when I was in elementary. I tried to read Romeo and Juliet when I was in grade 5, but that book was torturous. I didn't have an idea what on earth does "Oh!She doth teach the torches to burn bright" mean. Even until now.

My biggest dream in life is to make a movie. It's like my whole world and I'd do anything to live that dream. I know there aren't a lot of people who succeeded in the movie industry and I absolutely know how hard the competition in everything is, but I don't feel like giving up. I don't know why! I have always been waiting for that day that I'd realize making movies is not the thing for me, but I don't see it coming. There were times I tried to ignore and forget about it but it
grows again and again--like a wild rose in my heart that refuses to die no matter how many times I try to kill it.

Wow. I'm pretty pumped-up that you read this whole thing. This was quite long, and you probably have other stuff you could have done in the last five minutes.

Thank you and have a nice day.
i think your a nerd>your stupid> you are fkking retarded>childish
why would you even have a picture of a bird?!