What do you think a medieval marketplace would have been like on market day?


Jun 3, 2008
I'd really like to find out what it would have been like to go to a market in medieval times! Would there have been a lot of people in the marketplace, and do you think that it would have been quite noisy? What might I have seen if I'd lived in the middle ages and gone into town on market day? Would the marketplace have been quite dirty and messy by the end of the market?

Were there any special events that used to take place in the marketplace on market day? I wondered if there were any punishments that used to take place on market day, and, if so, what they involved. My history teacher told us that in medieval times, many punishments used to take place in public, but I wasn't sure when or where they used to take place. Did any of the punishments used to take place in the marketplace on market day?

Thank you to anyone who can help!