What do you do when you are stuck in a rut?

After a while I just find something else to do, I'm a fan of cross training in other MAs, I mix my MA training with survivalism, self-defense, military sciences. Tomorrow I have an 11 hour train-a-thon scheduled with some offtopic and TMA guys & friday night till sunday morning we're going to do some airsoft capture the flag and, bon fire drinking and chase the girls who work at hooters... lol

My biggest moments spent in ruts are spent playing on the computer like now...

Edit for this;
Illegalusername, try mixing the Vanilla Vodka with the Courvoisier in a brandy glass, about 50/50 to 1/3 of the glass (1/6 each) & add no more then 2 ice cubes (optional) & Mr. Pibb. Takes like Vanilla Mr. Pibb and gets you drunk twice as face as straight Vodka. Its called black ice because you never see coming until yout face down on the floor...
Either try something new , or look back at stuff you haven't done in a while and try to approach it in a new way.
Not really sure what I can do. I am in a small city that has one or two MA schools here and the one that I did visit said they want 4000RMB a month and I don't even know if that includes Room and board.

I've litteraly done nothing for about the last 2 weeks because of the weather, and my sleep schedule is completely backwards.
I feel like I am never going to get good at martial arts. Pretty much like I've wasted my life in general.
Train on your own, nows the time to take a break get drunk reflect why and how you made it to this point and go from there. Take a break and if you still float back to MA it'll give you some prospective...
What do I do when I'm in a rut? Join the military of course! Sure got me out of my rut, and now my ruts are decided for me although I have to fill out the proper paperwork and get them approved now.
I think a lot of people get this.

I get it a lot. It's something about achieving goals then not valuing them because if I can do it then it can't be important/valuable. I may have trained my guts out, devoted my life to something for months on end to a degree most would find unhealthy, but all I do is think, "Yeah, BUT..."

It spills outside training, into all sorts of things. If my kids are naughty I blame my parenting. All sorts of things.

The truth is that in specific things we forget the progress we make. I can think of patterns I perform better now than I did even a year ago, but only if I make myself think about it and not bewail how much i still want to improve.

In general things we focus too much on ourselves. My kids are sometimes a bit naughty because they're in a crappy mood. Maybe they're ill, or tired, or just plain grumpy. I'm less important in some ways than I think I am.

Hey ho, this rambling may make no sense whatsoever. But if you're feeling that you've "wasted your life in general" it's probably time to sit back, reappraise your achievements and cut yourself some slack.

Best wishes,
I try to ease off of training, and even if that doesn't work, sometimes taking a bit of time off gets the fire going again. I actually took off almost a full month of training here recently, this is my first week back and I am really, really excited to get back in there training again.
You know what? I've been ill and so haven't been able to train barely at all these past few weeks. Not much weights, not much running, not much dojo (worst thing of all) and I was feeling more than a bit down tbh.

I read this post and it cheered me up - just wanted you to know that.