What do i need to do to become an actress? HELP PLEASE!?


Active member
May 12, 2008
So i've had this dream like millions of other girls to become an actress but how do i become one? Like in movies such as Emma Stone or Anne Hathaway. I don't consider myself an actress until i have gotten to that point which i know is extremely far fetched but i just want to know the basics.

Okay so do I need to get acting experience before getting an agent? Do school plays count and acting classes or do i need to be an extra for a movie before getting an agent.

Am i allowed to quit from my agent at any given moment or is it like a contract.

How can i become an extra for a movie?

Does it matter when you're first starting out which agency you go to? I know not to go to someone that asks for money, but i mean can i just go to any local talent agency?

How do i get accepted by an agency? Please tell me everything i need to bring to an agency or what i need to do to get accepted by one.

Thanks so much! :D