what do do if you live in a college town?

WTF!? How is bowling expensive? it's like 12 bucks to bowl for 3 hours where i live.
I live near a college town. There's so much to do. Cruise around, pranks, out to eat, party, chill at the mall, if you have a friend who works at a gas station go there and chill there, there's a lot to do.

I already asked and she said no. ;_;

you need to go back and read some of my posts. mall is boring and the others require money.

lucky you? it is expensive here. it is like 8 bucks for the shoes alone and then another like 18 to get a lane for an hour.

its all good. i got paid, then went to my gf's house and she....yeah.

your in college, theres always shit to do. Go play some sports, go join a club, go hang with friends?
both very true statements. hence why i am not going to aTm and am moving in less than a month.

oh i am. san antonio is where i am headed.

glad i could have atleast two texas people vouch that the city sucks in general and not me.

Edit-sorry to bring up an old thread.