What do atheists say about personal prophecy?


May 13, 2008
Alright I'm actually re-stating this question because I wasn't specific enough last time.

This is for all the atheists. Personal prophecies are usually done at churches. And the people doing the prophecies are complete strangers, but they will tell you things that only you know. For example, a prophet told me that God knows that me and my brother have been fighting and that we need to stop. Sure enough, me and my brother have been fighting that whole week. In my opinion, this is good proof that there are some sort of supernatural powers out there.

Also, the Bible says that the Earth hangs upon nothing. This was written way before people had any knowledge whatsoever about the Earth. There are also other references in the Bible which science proves to be true later on. If you don't believe me, look it up.

Also, there were other prophecies said to me that blew my mind. For example a prophet told me in the near future he sees me getting into new drugs, and eating them like candy and that it will lead to destruction. Just a couple days before that prophecy, I was talking to my friend about taking shrooms ( which you eat like candy). The probability that every kid takes shrooms is pretty low.
Also, another prophet told me when i go to college that i will study in the aviation field and that I will have a car to go to and from and make good money.
Currently I'am in college with a car and I'am studying to be an air traffic controller.

Also, this Earth is in the perfect placement. If the Earth was any more closer to the sun, it would be too hot to survive. Also, if the Earth was any further away from the sun, it would be too cold to survive. Now, I highly doubt that this had all happened by pure chance.

Also guys, when people say that God created this Earth. I know what all of y'all are thinking..."Well who created God" The answer to that is nobody, he's been there forever. Now, I know that sounds completly crazy to you, but let me explain. Imagine that you are on a spaceship, headed away from Earth, the spaceship keeps going and going, does the universe ever end? See, the human mind cannot comprehend this. We as humans, cannot comprehend the term, "forever", because time is all we know. It has been engraved into our minds that there is day time and night time and there's 24 hours in a day and what not. Since we have known time for all of our lives the term, "forever" just sounds absurd.

Also, I'm not categorizing myself as a christian. I just believe in a higher power.
@ Sam, that made no sense whatsoever. I encourage anybody out there that dosen't believe in personal prophecies to go and get one yourself. They're free and you can get it at your local church
@ nondescript, give me a verse that proves your statement....I have an open mind, and I googled that and nothing came up which leads me to believe your lying.

I don't believe in "personal prophecies" and I'm sure you're just making this all up. The fact is, if personal prophecies were true then you wouldn't be online, you would be dragging your friends/relatives to these guys and getting all excited about it.
I already addressed this, including the random points you added 30 mins ago on your last question, you can read them there if you like (or not). I don't see why you keep going on about the earth and the universe and all the other fallacies you want to C+V, what do they have to do with the topic of personal prophecy?

Short version:
Playing the odds is not prophecy.
Self fulfilling is not prophecy
Because you consciously chose to not full fill it, its still wrong.

You are being duped. I don't know what you want is to say? If you want to put your faith in BS, thats fine. But why ask us if you are not interested in truth?

For information about the sun and earth etc, see last question you posted.
The Bible, like all good prophesies, is ambiguous enough to fit a wide range of possible outcomes over an extended time range.

You saw what happened when Camping got too specific. All of those things in the Bible that you claim were special knowledge would have also worked on very different things, for instance if the Earth was actually suspended from above instead of bound to the Sun by gravity. Actually, the way it is worded doesn't sound like gravitational attraction and centrifugal force at all now that I think about it.

As for what Nondescript meant, look up the meaning and etymology of the word "firmament". While your are at it, look up "self-fulfilling prophesy" and see if that could explain your course of study.
Some of your statements are examples of what psychologists call "confirmation bias." That is, you are unconsciously selecting out of your environment the events that confirm your pre-conceived opinions and ignoring contrary evidence.

The Bible may say that the earth hangs upon nothing, but it also tells the story of a worldwide flood when there is not a shred of geological evidence for such a flood. And, of course, it also speaks of a talking snake.

Other of your statements are examples of a lack of critical thinking skills. Regarding the placement of the earth, where else would you expect life to appear but on a planet having conditions favorable to life?
a fortune teller starts with basic things. it's common that brothers and sisters fight. and at least one point you probably were. did this person say what you were fighting about? that's not proof, that's guessing. and if that wasn't it, they would go onto the next thing until you bite.

back in the bible days, the sun, and moon were prevalent, and they hung in the sky. it's easy to guess the earth was too. and for all we know, they were space dwelling.

new drugs can be anything from drugs to candy to food to anything. not to mention i can say that you'll meet a tall dark stranger - which you will be looking for. also don't do shrooms you'll start thinking that strangers can guess your future.

for all we know there were 10 other planets with life on it, and we are the survivors.

i think your still on shrooms when you wrote this.
1) The first prophecy about you and your brother I have no comment on. For all I know, he could have talked to your brother, or it could be a lucky guess. Did he say other stuff which was inaccurate? One thing that "psychics" do is called the "shotgun" method- they keep saying stuff until something sticks.
2) The science thing doesn't really hold water since the amount of non-scientific theory in the bible outweighs the scientific stuff by about 1000 to one. The thing about the earth supported by nothing- well you could pretty much look into space and see the vastness and make such a statement even if you did not know the earth was round.
3) The thing about taking drugs is not accurate. there is a vast difference between taking drugs like candy and talking about taking shrooms. If you have ever taken shrooms, you would know that you certainly don't eat them like candy- they taste liike old socks which have been soaking in garbage.
4) college- that's worthy of thought, I don't know.
5) Perfect placement- there is life. The conditions are correct for it.
6)I also believe in a higher power, I just don't really think that most of the things you mentioned are proofs for it. the one prophecy about school is fairly compelling and the wonders of the universe, I will agree, do point to something more than meets the eye. Over all I agree with this but some of the stuff isn't exactly the way I think about it.

Wow, some "prophet" figures out that kids fight with their siblings and often take drugs. What an amazing thing. It's called "Cold Reading", chief.

The Earth doesn't "hang on nothing". That's not how gravitational forces work. The Bible also claims the earth is flat and the stars are fixed, that bats are birds and rabbits chew cud.

We developed in the form we are BECAUSE of the conditions of the Earth. The EArth was not formed this way for us. In fact, the Earth is not a "perfect" distance from the sun and varies by 100,000 miles in any given solar year.

You are using the Special Pleading fallacy to claim that your god could be eternal and uncreated, but the universe can't. You give no good reason for this except the Argument From Ignorance- in other words, you don't understand it, therefore god.

Any other magnificent GEMS you want to dole out today?