What at he positives and negatives of smoking marijuana?


Active member
May 13, 2008
I'm 15 years old and consume marihuana weekly. Once a week sometimes once every 2 weeks. I am very active and go to the gym 3 times a week. I was wondering what this is doing to my body or brain. Should I stop I does this not matter? Will it effect my weight lifting? Downsides and upsides to smoking pot? I don't spend a dime my friends smoke me up, I do this because it GTA a lot of stress off my back
Are you trying to be like GTA?...I mean c'mon its just a game -.-(for people 18 and older)
thats what the big old "M" on the bottom left of the game case is for.
Driving a car under the influence can get you a ticket, thrown in jail or land you in the hospital.
Smoking mass quantities of Mary Jane can make you believe that you are a writer and public speaker. Lord forbid.
And, last but not least, the Devil Weed will lead you to other more powerful and adictive drugs such as tobacco.
oh dont listen to people.
There are no negative effects other then the money aspect.
It doesnt effect weightlifting negativley, i fact i think it helps

Dont ask drug questions on yahoo because you get bias answers, including mine. if you have drug questions knowldege is your best bet, be safe and know what your doing.

Go to Erowid.org
It is unbiased information about everything. Just go there next time.