What are your predictions for the future of Humanity?


Apr 25, 2008
Will we achieve immortality?
Will we destroy the Earth?
Will we reach the stars and populate the Galaxy?
Will we leave our meat-based bodies behind and become cyborgs?
Will we destroy ourselves and make the Human species extinct?
Will we spend vast amounts of time working and living in a virtual world online?
Will we eradicate disease?
Will we create sentient machines?
What other new technologies will we develop?

What science fiction books/films/TV series/anime and/or mangas' do you feel most accurately depict our future?

I'm currently re-watching Ergo Proxy and whilst I don't think it's an accurate depiction of our future (at least I hope not!) it's made me wonder enough to ask this question. The new series of Battlestar Galactica had the same effect. Actually I think these thoughts a lot as I buy and watch a LOT of Sci-fi anime and TV shows.

My guess. I reckon Ghost in the Shell. Although it's time frame it too close to today I think that large scale space travel is still a LONG way off (as much as that pains me to admit). I think before we reach the stars the Japanese will develop Artificial Intelligence and cybernetic body augmentation as well as fully functional androids and these developments will create the second technological revolution and change our lives dramatically. If we don't destroy civilisation and our planet before they have a chance to do it.