What are your predictions for America's team, the SF Giants, for 2012?


Dec 23, 2008
American Hero Cody Ross will probably be gone, but America's sweethearts, Lincecum and Cain and pray for rain will be returning. The west is still weak and if America's team has any offense they would win the division easily.

What say you?
If Posey is back to form next season, and Melky Cabrera doesn't revert to mediocrity, the Giants should contend. But unless they make a big offensive signing (resign Beltran, sign Rollins, etc), there's a good chance they won't make the playoffs.
Well, Rock, they are a tough team that plays a hard game. If we're going to beat them we have to do what we do best, which is to play sound, fundamental baseball.
Willie Bloomquist signed a $3.8M two-deal to return to the Diamondbacks. I read that Sabean offered him more money, same length. Two million a year for a replacement-level player is nuts.

I haven't been following the Giants moves over the past couple of years, but if that's the kind of thing Sabean does on a regular basis, the Giants will continue to suck.
They really took a hit in their rotation by trading away Sanchez and didn't gain anything significant in Melky Cabrera. I think Lincecum will have a bounce-back season, probably Cy Young worthy but I don't think they have enough to take the division. If they can sign a good bat such as Reyes or Prince Fielder, they may have a good shot at the Wild Card. However with the Diamondbacks becoming strong again and the Dodgers hopefully getting some stability it will be hard to compete with a slightly weaker rotation and a mediocre offense.
They will have a tough time against the D-Backs in division and they probably won't win the wild card so they won't make the playlets.
Sabean is back to his old tricks of trading away young talent for 30-somethings with .250 career averages...He seems hell-bent on making the roster older and more mediocre on paper every year.

....considering the last time I wrote the Giants off before Spring Training they lifted the World Series trophy a few months later, I'd guess they will do just fine...