What are the steps I need to take if I want to Become a pro MMA fighter in the UFC?


May 21, 2008
Right Now I am a Junior in High School. People always ask me what I want to major, but I never tell them because I'm too shy to tell them I want to become a professional Mixed Martial artist and be in the UFC. So I just tell them I want to be a Marine. When I tell my family and friends they take it as a joke. I'm not even in any MMA classes yet but I know your thinking I need to join one really soon so I can have more experience. Trust me I'm gonna join pretty soon. I want to go to college for 4 years in Norwich University in Vermont which is a military academy. The thing is that I wanted to join the Marines after college. Then get out and try to get into the UFC. Brian Stann did it and there are other fighters with military backrounds. I don't know the exact steps to take if I want to become a UFC fighter. I know I need to get into amatuer fights right now. But If I get out of the marines what do i do after? What do I tell people I'm trying to get scholarships from when they ask me what I want to major in?