What are some really good Hetalia rp quizzes?


New member
Mar 2, 2013
I LOOOVE Hetalia and would like to know some more really long rp quizzes that are well made.
I have taken these and really really liked them (though I dont like the gross stuff or cuss words... but with Hetalia you know that probably would be hard to avoid...):

Hetalia 'Kidnapped' rp

Road trip with America, Canada and Iggy-Brows

Hetalia RP quiz - Sleepover

Hetalia Camping Trip RP Quiz (this ones my absolute favorite out of them all!)

all three of the '7 minutes in heaven' (but I didnt really like the rated M or R ones... yeah... those were gross...)

Which Hetalia Character would date you?? (Girls only + long results)

What Hetalia Character Would Date You (Girls only + long results!!)

(Darnit I had another two that were awesome but i cant remember their names!)

I really wanna take the 'A day with _______~!' RP series (but cant on this stupid school restricted IPad) and I also wanna take Hetalia RP party 1 & 2... PLEASE GIVE ME MORE! I HATE BEING A FANGIRL IN DISTRESS!

(oh and I just wanna add though its off-topic... this is kinda funny and cool...) I ALWAYS get Canada if thats one of the results... ALWAYS.)