What are good pets for indoors and outdoors? (besides cats)?


May 18, 2008
Im 13 years old and I want a pet that will be able to go outside with me but that i can also have in my room. I was thinking about getting a budgie bird but Im afraid of it flying away. It also needs to be somewhat cheep considering that I am to young to have a job, i do chores around the house to earn money tho. I am just struggling with what would be a good pet/companion for me.
Thanks :) ~Emma~
My family has a dog and my little sister has a cat so anything but those, also we are getting ducks soon but those are strictly outside animals and our dog is only allowed in the house when its really cold outside. My sisters cat goes outside at night and stays inside the rest of the day. please help :)
A budgie/parakeet would be ok. I have ten of them in my yard. If you want you can keep two together but then it is alot harder to train them. I suggest getting a small sized dog. Like a yorkie, or a chihuahua. If you wanted a budgie/parakeet you would have to train it and make sure it bonds with you good before you take it outside. You could also get one of those small red eared slider turtles. Ive had 2 in the past. They get a little stinky though, so you have to take good care if them. They dont live too long though. {Pet Lover}