We cannot alone act as Policeman of the world

That's a good point. When the world's leading superpower is lead by a President who seems to think that he's on a 'mission from God', then it makes the world a more dangerous place. If they weren't up to their necks in it in Iraq, then I wonder if he would have turned his attentions to Iran by now?
Compensating for your obvious angst toward Christianity and Democracy, I take that to mean "Releaser from oppressive religeous zealots and giver of freedom to choose their own style of government"?!?

It does distress me to hear you accuse the people of the Middle East as being terrorists. Does that mean you support the actions of our two countries in our attempt to stamp out terrorism?
HandandFoot, first thing I have no clue where you get your perception from that I have an Angst towards either Christianity or Democracy (does that mean, likewise I should accuse you of having an Angst towards homosexuals or non-christians and ppl of the middle east ?)and second thanks for proving my point on generalizations.I used the word "terrorist" deliberatly because its the same way GWB has used it to describe ppl from that hemisphere so you just showed me that I guess the general perception is actually even that. Sad to see that, actually. Wish the World was more open towards ppl of different cultures and even religions.

And to answer your question HandandFoot, I don't support it for the simple reason that the US should look at itself before it accuses another country or culture of being "terrorists". And also, just because they are fractions of ppl we describe as "terrorists" it doesn't mean a whole country or countries (like the middle east)are made up of it.

By the way, whoever indcoctrinated you with the above sentence (I can imagine it was your great president)what the US is actually doing is ethnic cleansing by trying to convert some countries and cultures to their own way of thinking.

Your response is sufficient evidence of your angst (=apprehension, only easier to spell) (So I guess I do recognize sarcasm; or at least the lack of it!)

Speaking of generalizations! Here you assume I believe them to be terrorist and that we are justified in presuming the role of "Police" to the Middle East!I DO NOT! I DO believe that the people of Iraq are far better off since the removal of Hussein and his cohorts. I DON'T believe we should be making their country the battle ground against terrorism since the vast majority of it people are peaceful and resonable human beings. That would be why (if you had bothered to read it) I said I was "distressed" to hear you use that rash generalization!

As you can see, I couldn't agree more! Thank you for clarifying.

PLEASE tell me you don't actually believe ANY of that last statement as it would destroy the respect I have for you.

BTW. Not all Christians are what you think they are. Most of them that I hang around with are not judgemental, intolerant, overbearing zealots and I am sorry that you apparently don't know any of our ilk.
HandandFoot, I've no clue where my ANGST shows in that first sentence of mine and by the way, if you would re-read what I wrote in answer to your post maybe you would stop being so incredibly defensive. Because that does show an Angst towards me being a non-christian and my anger towards GWB.I'm sorry thats my point-of-view on what is going on iraq and I don't really care if you don't agree with it.

By the way, would appreciate you stop playing psychologist concerning me. If you have any idea what Angst (in german that simply means fear)really means I probably could point out more fears the US has towards other countries than I myself have towards any other religion or culture. Get to know me better before you come up with a psychological statement about me.

I guess I'm just more of an isolationist, keep out nose out of everyone elses business till we clean up our own act. And get the illegal aliens OUT of our country.
Here here! Agreed! Although as a soldier I get sent to the middle east and have a bit of a different view on things.
Me too, all those aliens are part of the "Church of Scientology" now and Tom Cruise is only an alien in a mans body, lol.

Hmm, and I was wondering what had happened to some of my plates at home. Guess some lunatic stole them to make fun of the Pentagon, lol. Someone get Fox Mulder.

LOL... yeah, I wish someone would steal my kitchen ware every few days, but return it after they cleaned it up..
actually, there was a hint to its origin in Punishers post, i.e. Fox Moulder.. the postre is from his office wall... I kinda miss that show, though it was getting a bit repetitive towards the end..