We are desperate for help decorating our Senior Lounge!?


New member
Aug 30, 2008
As seniors this year, we are allowed to occupy/decorate our "Senior Lounge". It's really small, has a small window out to the hallway, and is the most hideous color blue. Traditionally the seniors are allowed to paint the lounge, but alas, there's "too much paint on the walls". It's a dreary grey-blue and has a beach theme that's more like a badly decorated condo than a youthful hangout. I should mention that we're an all-girls school.

Throw into the mix neon splatter-painted end tables (like black and purple and yellow and neon green), a navy blue couch, an orange-brown chair, and 2 adirondak chairs plus 2 leather ottomans and this is our lounge. We are allowed to exchange furniture/buy new furniture.

I looked up wall murals online and they are SO expensive. We need to help out our lounge whilst spending as little money as possible. Any suggestions are welcome. Remember this is being decorated for 17-18 year old girls. Any help working with the ugly color is much appreciated by all of us.

On behalf of my class, thank you for suggestions.

:) Ellen