Watch fans in China steal Michael Phelps? golf balls on ?The Haney Project?


Jun 17, 2007
It's hard enough keeping the golf ball in play on a tough golf course in front of thousands of fans, but it's even harder when the fans are picking up any ball they see.

That's what happened on the latest episode of "The Haney Project" on Golf Channel, where Michael Phelps was in an interesting situation in China where even his balls in play couldn't be found.

Fans were picking up the world famous Olympic star's golf balls and running away with them to the point that Phelps had to coin the phrase "TIC," meaning "This is China." Matt Kuchar gave Phelps some advice, simply telling him to hit it down the middle of the fairway but on the second hole of the event, even his ball in the fairway was snagged.

The good news is Phelps had a good laugh about it. I guess when you're that famous sometimes even the golf balls you pull out of the bag are a collector's item.