was this something to laugh about?


May 14, 2008
So this guy I know got vicious attacked by a dog, who apparently bite his balls and rip them off. He was in pain and now he will never be able to have children he is only 19. Idk why but when they told me the "horrible" news, I laughed so hard. haha. wouldn't you?
I don't know what to think about a person who would laugh at something so painful and tragic. I know that God is not pleased. You should feel ashamed but you must not since you ask wouldn't you? No. no no. It is not funny. I would never consider laughing at something so tragic. Maybe if something happened to your family jewels you could laugh at that too. but somehow i doubt it. I really have pity for someone with no feelings and compassion for a fellow human being that you laughed and laughed hard. Not being able to have children will be very hurtful and maybe you should consider not having any if this is the kind of example you are going to set for them. You really make me sick to my stomach.
I think I will feel sad for him and find it a bit funny....even though its NOT funny....don't know I mean you have to see with your own eyes to really feel bad for him I guess.