Was I reading correctly when I saw that Harold Camping has already made another


Active member
May 11, 2008
2011 doomsday prediction? Due for October?

I swear this guy must be a Poe...
yea the october date was set before he ever set the May date. The october date is not a new date he just set up now. Apparently the May date was considered the beginning of the end but the october date was considered the entire end of the world. So no the october prediction is NOT a new prediction.
He's been saying for years the world would end on October 21st. He just admits being wrong about when the apocalypse would begin.
Yes..Rosie O'Donnell will pass out face first in a plate of mash potaters and emit gas and the fallout will be astronomical
Amazingly, he has. Or, at least offered a variation on/revision of his prior prediction. Why can't he be recognized for what he is: A cult leader like Jim Jones or David Koresh, a cult leader that should be dealt with swiftly and decisively. This is not funny stuff. People take this man seriously and have done some very stupid things that, ultimately, the rest of society is going to have to foot the bill for in one way or another.