want to highlight load of files in bittorrent and batch delete?...?


New member
Dec 27, 2010
Ive got a massive torrent with loads of incomplete files that i want to delete.
The only way i can see to do it at the moment is to get it to list files in percentage done, then go to first incomplete file -
right click "open containing folder" (which wil then have the file highlighted)
press delete
close folder
right click on next file down the list

repeat - 100's of times : (
Thanks for the answer
I can highlight the ones i want easy - the problem is that there is no option to delete the files actually inside bittorent. You have to delete them in the folder their in on the harddrive.
Ive tired highlighting all the ones i want to delete and then right clicking on "open containing folder" but the only one highlighted in the folder is the first one on the list.
I dont understand why u cant just delete from inside BT like u can with other torrent programs >_< lol
Thanks for answer
The problem is i need to delete around 200 incomplete files that are mixed into a folder of 700 files.
The only way to find all the incomplete ones is to list the files in 'percentage complete' and highlight everything thats not 100%. But when i highlight them and go to open containing folder only one of the files is highlighted - press delete and enter and that one is gone - but i cant delete the whole lot of incomplete files in one go. Have to do it one by one - its stupid.....
PS - i was just stopping the torrent so it didnt start downloading all the files i was deleteing again - but will set all to 'dont download' now as well as stopping the torrent downloading altogether.

That dosent solve the real problem tho - i have a feeling its just impossible to do this with BT : (