Waiting on the rapture? Want to know true prophecy? part 1?


New member
Oct 31, 2008
If you are counted among those children of God that remain ignorant of the truth, allow me to enlighten you yet again.
Know this first, your belief upon these things I tell you matters not to me at all! For we all must face King Jesus one day, tell Him in that day what you refuse to believe as you do now. For the day of judgement awaits for all those that now live.
All prophecies up unto Revelation 20:5 are fulfilled! Lucifer is imprisoned and hell and death are still upon the earth! King Jesus is reigning with those saints that were raptured and the proof has been given!
For all those that are not too lazy to search it out before rendering an opinion guided by imagination only and not proof, allow me to provide some proof for you.
Matthew 24:30, (the sign of our Lord's return) was fulfilled in 351 AD and every eye in Jerusalem saw it! Look up St Cyril Archbishop of Jerusalem and read the letter he wrote to emperor Constantius concerning this phenomenon.
Daniel 12:1,2 and Revelation 14:13-16 (The Archangel Michael and the rapture) was fulfilled in 1613 Look up Mikhail Romanov. He was the Archangel Michael in the flesh, the great prince! He stood up to become king of Russia during the times of troubles, as it is written! His reign marked the end of those times of troubles. Yet, the Romanov family inherited a deserted land. For more than half the villages of Russia was deserted of people. Learn your history and our God!! For you are gambling with your soul that you're right, but you are not.
Do your homework before you respond to this. For though ignorance is bliss, it a shame and punishable on the day of judgement!
Search it out! I dare you! Peace and blessings
This is too long for me to read or even care about.So I'm gonna say that when this so called "rapture" cums, I'm gonna light a blunt and whip out the Ol' Wiener and start whackin off.
What about the anti-Christ and His mark ?? The abomination of desolation... The 3rd temple ?? Etc..

Utter failure --