Viewer Disrection! Animal Cruelty From Farm To Fridge

Disagree. They do not want to be confined because most of their life was out in open space

Agree. I do not expect all livestock to be treated by other farms the way ours is

Hardly animal survival. Perhaps reflexive. Yes, I imagine that some are stressed, ours are less stressed

Not saying that ALL animals are not stressed. I am saying most of our animals are not.

Studies cannot be totally consistent as it all depends on the way a breed is raised/treated
And being confined was dangerous because predators could get them when they couldn't run. So it's a survival instinct.

Being confined is not about fear of a predator. They were used to not be confined. It is environment conditioning, not survival instinct
I have read some replies here and some of them really shocks me.
Yes! Animals should be eaten. But no! animals shouldnt be threated like that! Animal have feelings and emotions too!
Dont you feel anything for these animals?
I feel hungry

On another note; the "family" ranch/farm, does not mistreat the animals. They are look upon as "stock" in every sense of the word. No feelings upon them. No emotions. If they get sick or injured, they must be cared for. The "stock" has to be maintained the same as one will do their automobile
That's because those chutes were specially designed by Temple Grandin so that they can't tell what happens at the end. Before her chute design, there was plenty of panic because they sensed death around them. The fact that they CAN feel fear was the very reason she designed the chute the way she did.
Nope...this was before TG.

I spoke to relatives/ranchers which, BTW, one had linked me to a Professor John Weber, whom I had emailed.

Thus "predatory instinct" can be bred out of a certain herd. This is not to state that other instincts, such as mother-to-calf, and other types of fear will.

Also, to mention, same herd may not have the "fear" of the chute, (as they are led down chutes many times/days/years for vaccinations before slaughter) as in the case of more discomfort in a chute upon slaughter

In other words, it is possible a herd has become more passive than other herds/breeds

Therefore, to completely state; my view, is from my observations, from the "family" herd/breed

No animal, raised for food, should not be mistreated
And you corrected the spelling. My word.

I assume you meant something similar to this:

There are still some problems, such as the passive voice in the second sentence and later in the third sentence. We'll let them go though and focus on another problem.

No animal raised for food should not be mistreated. Really?

Surely you mean "no animal should be mistreated", or "no animal raised for food should be mistreated".
47 I dare you to say all this garbage you been spouting in this thread to Dr Temple Grandin, who spent her life around slaughterhouses and cattle. I guarantee she'd knock you flat on your back. Yes I read the thread.

and how are we at the top of the food chain? You do know we're primates right? and primates are a prey species for many animals? Some animals still hunt humans at times. Who says we're at the top. We are prey, also. Animals exist for you? What a colossal ego you must have to think everything exists for you.
We are at the top of the food chain because we have put ourselves there. And now we farm and slaughter animals on an industrial basis. You can argue the details and the moral issues apurtaining thereto, but you can't argue with the fact that we are 'top dog' on this planet.

The fact that there are still a good number of animals that can top us in a 'square go' (i.e. one-on-one, no weapons) is neither here nor there. We have the tools and the organisation to best every other species, and they only survive at all at our discretion. Which is rather sad really, but it's true.
Exactly. Our status as top of the food chain is not down to our individual physical capabilities, its down to the fact that we have the brain power to organise, plan and coordinate with large groups of our species. Human beings as a species is at the top of the food chain.
We've been top of the food chain ever since one caveman got his mate to drive a mammoth into a ravine so all the tribe could throw rocks and spears at it.
Humans are only really prey to a very select few animals.
Crocodiles, alligators (maybe), old and desperate tigers, tiger/bull/great white sharks (usually by mistake).
And that's about it really.
I don't know, I think single celled organisms have us beat on the top of the food chain. They kill us every day, and all the other species on the planet. They just let us believe we're on the top until they feel it necessary to off us. We're trying to beat em', but there's just so many different kinds of em'.
In a sense you're right. A flu bacteria thingy trumps a sabre tooth tiger any day. Although the sabre tooth tiger is a LOT cooler.
Flu is caused by a virus actually.

Just being a smartass.

But yeah. Try our weapons against viruses and bacteria, such as rabies and aids. see how much "top of the food chain" you are.

Even Dr Rodney Willoughby has only succeeded in beating rabies a couple of times, when the patient has not received a vaccine. (Its called the milwaukee protocol) People have been trying to stop this disease forever. To date he has only succeeded in a few cases. Its a start but these things will still kill us.
Well the virus itself can be killed very, very easily.

Unfortunately it also kills the patient, but ethics aside that still leaves us atop the food chain
Top of the food chain does not mean that you are invulnerable to other beings and it also doesn't give one the moral right to do whatever we want towards other animals.
What have I said anything negative about Temple?

It does mean I can eat this hamburger without a conscious (takes bite)