Venting...Sorry if this posts 3 times?

May 27, 2009
My husband and I were talking last night and he says I am still young and we have plenty of time to have a baby. I agree but I still want to be a mom. His mom has 7 kids and he was like when mom was your age she didn't have any kids yet and now she has 7, and I was like at least she was pregnant! He doesn't understand it. I just want to know I will be able to conceive. Once I get pregnant I will feel tons better. Hopefully, that means I would have a baby in about 9 months. If not and god forbid I had a miscarriage, then at least I know I can get pregnant. Are all guys like this? He acts like we have all the time in the world but I would rather spend that time with my child and not trying to have one, ya know. Anyone else frustrated?

Also, I don't want to have 3-4 kids now. One now, another in 3-4 years, and so on. Another thing I don't think he understands. And yes I talk to him about it but I don't think it sinks in.
i know how you are feeling, my husband has acted the same way. thankfuly he knows it's something that i really want and he is willing to do what it takes.
i know he would make a great father, and i know he is excited about having a kid running around :)

all i can say is stop trying to get him to understand... it's nearly impossible lol.

i'm really sorry you are going through this :(
I am in the same boat right now. We have been ttc for 8 months and I am going to start my 3rd round of clomid soon. I would feel so much better once I got pregnant and there would be no more pressure on my poor husband. He is the same way though. He thinks it's no big deal and it will happen when it happens and we are still young, blah blah blah. I know he's right but I want what I want! I can't help it. When you know you're ready to be a mom no one can talk you out of it or make you feel better when you have a hard time getting pregnant. It's just not possible. I am so discouraged right now. I wanted to give up this month but my husband is making me do one more round of clomid. Maybe this will be it. I hope so because if I'm not pregnant this month then we have to go see a fertility specialist. Good luck and hang in there!
maybe try to explain the statistics of it all. explain that after age 30 your fetility chances decrease significantly. explain that each month you only have a 20% chance of getting pregnant and that it can take up to a year for a normal healthy couple to conceive. in that years time you have a 85% chance of getting pregnant even if you are completely fertile and trying your hardest. maybe if he understands all of this and that even if you start trying now, it could take a while, maybe he will be more willing to try. not to mention that you will be pregnant 9 months before the baby will even be truely in your life. so even if you started to try now it could be almost 2 years before you are holding a baby in your arms...

at some point though you need to take his feelings into consideration. you dont want to ruin your marraige over it...but he shouldnt ruin it over not wanting to start a family with you either...

I can understand the feeling i am sure he must be not agreeing with you now but once you get preg he will be the happiest person these all man are alike.... just try to make him understand that this is the right time for you to have one and show if how it could get difference in your life.

my friend has the same situation but once she got pregnant as she stopped taking her pills and didnt infom his husband, then i saw he was the happiest man on this earth.

All the best and loads of baby dust to you :)
Part of being married is compromising. He might not be ready for a baby yet and that's something you'll have to respect. Trying to convince him he's ready is only going to cause fights.
Yes hun I know how you feel my partner was the same.

He was always saying 'just chill out and it will happen'

It was just never that easy - but I hate to say once I chilled out and stopped caring as much... I fell pregnant lol.

It's hard TTC though - I really understand the frustration of seeing BFN after BFN. It will happen before you know it :)

Good luck xx