Venting and need someone to tell me if I did bad?


May 12, 2008
Okay so my ex is broke up with me cause instead of me hitting her yelling or anything I would say I can't do this we are done. Then apologize after words I never hit her or cheated not lied she did however lie and break promises but I pushed them aside. She broke up with me in nov and still rants about it on twitter. It angers me cause how she only sees what I did wrong but forgets things she has done. Like wow her family hasnt been the best to me. I was always there no matter what she even wrote I miss having that one person always there. What the fuck is her deal? I want her back but this shits pushing me away. I miss her and just wanna know why she is doing this and if she will be back? I know I wasnt perfect but who is?!
you could write her an e-mail of all the things she did and how you feel. I am sure she miss you too, this will pass. you will be together, only time will tell, but let her know your feeling as well. good luck. thx
Dear Jeff you are right you are a good guy and why would you let any chick like her bother you shes doing this because she is bitter and wants some other poor guy to fall for her game. you just move on there are nice young ladies out there who will not do any of this stuff to you, some one who will be honest and true, let her rant her self into feeling like the victim you are the one who was being treated like a push over, you had the right to walk away forgive yourself and it will hurt for a while but after a few months you'll find out how lucky you really are and how much happier you are that you do not have to deal with her lies and broken promises. I know it seems easier to go back to what you know but why? You really have to go down the list of rights and wrongs and then decide. You'll be o k just have faith the right girl WILL come along just give it time! Good luck