Vacation rentals without family restrictions in Va Beach/OBX?


New member
Jul 6, 2008
My friend and I are looking for a summer vacation rental at the beach- Va Beach, Sandbridge, Kitty Hawk, Kill Devil Hills, etc. However, almost every rental company has these restrictions about only renting to family units and some even specifically say they will not rent to unmarried young adults. The ones that do are in party areas where people will be drinking, etc. I have been with my "baby daddy" for 5 years and we have 2 children and my friend has been with her "bd" for 3 years and they have one child. While we are not married and we're young, we need a rental somewhere that is quiet and family friendly- we're not trying to party and want to be FAR from anyone who will be. Does anyone know of any Va Beach or OBX rental companies who might be able to accomodate us? This all seems very unfair to me...