Usually I eat vegan and really healthy... will one off make me unhealthy?


May 19, 2008
i feel really guilty because usually i eat really ethically and non dairy, no eggs, (i've never eaten meat in my life), but yesterday at my friends dinner party even though i said i was vegan everything was just vegetarian, and because in the past i've had an eating disorder i didn't want to say no and look fiddly, but now feel really guilty, besides really unhealthy.

I had a small piece of her mum's homemade pasta dish, topped with cheese accompanied by a little salad, and for dessert 2 merangues (i'm assuming egg white based) with a table spoon wipping cream and about a handful of strawberries. I also had a half a glass of wine. Is this way too much?

and I feel so bad I haven't eaten dairy in half a year, I feel like I've just contributed to pain of animals, i know it was a one off but how in the future can i get past this and make people cook me vegan?
I saw this documentary about this woman's kids who she raised vegan go crazy and consume everything dairy in a sudden fit. If you're an adult never mind :p I don't understand how eating dairy products leads to suffering of animals, if you stick to buying free range or organic products. They generally lead happy healthy lives. Maybe this was a one off, but maybe it'll happen again? If it does, you might need to reconsider your diet.
You want to "make" people cook your kind of food? Do you cook their kind of food when you entertain? Or do you always insist that everyone cater to you? I think you just have to do the best you can in eating what you consider a healthy diet, but accept that there are times when it is simply rude to reject the foods that others prepare for you. It sounds like you handled the situation well at your friend's dinner party in choosing foods that caused no harm to animals.