Using a cellphone in the U.S., which is the cheapest way to communicate to loved


New member
Aug 28, 2008
ones back in the Philippines? I heard about a roaming sim, and i also heard about buying phone cards.

Which has better quality while talking on the cp?

All ideas would be appreciated :)

The CP is a Nokia 6300 from the Philippines, and the other one is an Iphone.
I live in the USA and I communicate daily with my girlfriend in the Philippines, so maybe I can help you out! :)

It depends on how you prefer to be able to contact your loved ones. If they're on the computer, then of course yahoo/facebook/skype is the best way. But of course you know they're not always in front of a computer when you want to contact them.

As you probably know, the way that most people keep in contact there is via text messages! I use a Globe sim in a 2nd phone, which I have activated for worldwide roaming. When they text me, it is local rate for them (1 pesos or whatever), and I receive their INCOMING texts for free. I don't use my roaming to send OUTGOING text because it is EXPENSIVE to use as a regular communication tool. Doesn't this sound great--they can contact you all they want and it won't cost you a thing? The catch--you have to make sure your roaming sim stays valid (disregard what they say about maintaining a minimum of 500 pesos balance.. I've been doing this for years). Your roaming sim stays valid for about 90 (or 180?) days after its balance reaches zero. Your balance reaches zero when you use it all up, or it expires (will vary depending on how much you load).

How about when you want to contact them? two options: 1) get a international texting plan with your wireless company (i.e. AT&T offers 100 intl txt/$10) so you'll use your regular phone to text them. or 2) use skype to text (6.6cents/txt). I personally use skype for a couple reasons. First of all, you can associate your roaming number with your skype account, so when you text them it will show as coming from your roaming number. I can access skype from my laptop & iphone to send texts.

here's my specific setup:
1) if I want to text my girlfriend using skype on my laptop/iphone (6 cents) and when she receives it, it's shows that the text coming from my roaming number
2) she can directly reply to it (1 pesos) and it goes to my roaming

how about calling cellphone to cellphone?? text your loved ones to call you using a Sun calling card. it is 50min/100 pesos to call Philippines -> USA (aka dirt cheap). there is nothing cheaper.

good luck! if you have any other questions just lemme know :)