URGENT: Samsung galaxy S2 freaking out?


New member
Jun 7, 2008
So basically my samsung galaxy s2 absolutely refuses to load the Play Store, or any of my messengers, but the other apps like Firefox or Youtube work perfectly fine. I can watch youtube videos, go on my facebook and do things, but every time I try to go somewhere (now keep in mind firefox or my internet has never done this or anything i previously mentioned) like facebook or try to google something etc it keeps telling me its an "untrusted connection." (and well I don't think my facebook posts will load but, you get the point.) Please, help, anyone who takes the time to answer.. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
and I have already tried restarting it, and taking the battery out and starting it up again.
and I have also already tried troubleshooting my internet.
Nothing I have done, and I have done pretty much everything outside the lines of getting a new phone or calling the comany, WORKS!
It's actually my sisters phone..so if she found out..
Could this be a virus?
Take out the battary and the sim card and if that doesn't work try calling the phone company