Unique ways to ask somebody out.

i did the cake thing and i've been with my gf for two years, just write will you go out with me in icing, or chocolate covered strawberries are easy to spell with and easy to make
seriously where are peoples testicles anymore

why is it yall get so damn nervous around broads and have to try to impress them

just fuckin be chill and ask her you you fairys
You do that facny cute bullshit to ask a girl to prom or to marry you. If you make asking a girl out on a date so fucking formal shes going to get freaked out and say no. Hey you and I are going out for some coffee tomorrow or some bullshit like that. its not hard
Some dude I know got out of class early, went to this girls class and spelled out a message asking her out to prom in tennis balls stuck onto a fence.

in the middle of the night call her and tell her to come outside bc you have a surprise. as shes coming outside you find a way to sneak into her house. whenever she comes outside to see you not there shell be disappointed and walk back inside. as she goes back to her room you pop out and whack her with a bat. shell be out cold and youll be good for business!
"My love for you is like a river
like a summer breeze that makes my soul shiver
1 look from you is more precious than gold
so lets go get some barbecue and get busy"

works every time
Ask Hotkarl hes got hoes in different area codes.

Or use this one....

Yo trick! Why dont you come over here and sit on my lap... And we can talk about the first thing that "pops" up.