Ugliness of women . . . .

For what it's worth, here's my opinion:

It's considered cowardly for a man to hit a woman because (as a general rule) men are stronger than women. It's cowardly to hit someone who's unable to defend themselves. This I completely agree with.

I believe it's equally cowardly for a woman to hit a man, and for exactly the same reason. Many of them do it because they know the man won't dare hit back, or even stand up for themselves.

Any woman hitting a man under those circumstances is as cowardly as a man who hits a woman.
I actually had a girl say to me once, "If you tick me off, I can make your life a living hell. It's what we girls do."

But what women do to men is NOTHING compared to what they do to each other (minds out of the gutter lads ). They are ruthless!!!
That is very true, I went to an all girls school, and it was truly awful for bitching etc. I now have very few female friends as a result of what happened to me in that environment!
I ,incidentally am rubbish at shouting/arguing etc so don't even attempt it, life is way too short to spend it being angry!
So its settled then, women get equal rights when we get to bust their ass each time they look ugly.

sounds good to me
What repulses me is the that loud "Whatever, whatever" that trashy women always get into. (Think Jerry Springer) From past experience I've found that black women feel the need to be as loud and obnoxious as humanly possible, which is easily the most repugnant thing a person can possibly do.
You know what I hate about men, erm.....
They smell!!!Ha!
And they talk about football all the time
And they get really ugly when they shout and their faces dont look pretty anymore!!!!!
So, what you're saying is ALL (note you didn't say some) black women are loud and obnoxious. At the same time you also don't seem to mention any other races. So, are we to understand that ALL and ONLY black women "feel the need to be as loud and obnoxious as humanly possible." In other words you've NEVER met a quiet and or respectful black woman, or a loud an obnoxious white woman (or other race)? Is that what we are to understand here?
Oh c'mon guys give the man a break. We all know he meant people in the "black" (or "rap") culture here in America, and not all black people. He just got confused a bit because in some areas it is dominately black people mixed up in the "black" culture (you know, the gangster want to be rapper crack dealing dope type people . . . . not saying there are a lot of other people in it too, like us white boys and whatnot, but like here in the country south it's mostly black people wrapped up in it). He very well knows there are plenty of loud and abnoxious women everywhere, of all color and race, he just meant that they are more dominant in the "black" culture. Right? So by saying "black" women . . . he meant women in the "black" culture. Or we can all just pretend he said that

/me hopes he drug that out enough for people to realize he isn't criticising black people, but rather the "black" culture (if you know what that is, that's what I dubbed it.) which consists of many different races of people : P. I in no way think ALL black people are mixed in or affiliated with that sort of culture. I may have shaved my head and look the part, but I am no skin head : P.