UFC needs to bring in Fedor and/or Overeem?


New member
Nov 22, 2010
I think the UFC heavy Weight division might be getting kind of boring. I know there are some good fighters like Dos Santos and Carwin, but that's really it. What do you guys think? How would Fedor and Overeem do in the UFC?
Fedor is still the best fighter in the world right now in my opinion, just because he lost 1 fight in 10 years does not make him 'out of his time' at all.
As for Fedor in the UFC, that would be very interesting because some of these upcoming guys could really give him a fight like Dos Santos, Schuab, Velasquez.. it would be very interesting though, only time will tell.
As for Overeem, think Alistair would kick ass in the UFC.
it is incredibly hard to make a fair comparison of fighters outside of the UFC to fighters inside the UFC. you simiply can not compare the two when the fighters have never crossed, almost never shared the same opponents in some cases. Different schedules and training regiments must also be taken into account.

Fedor and Overeem are contract for MAYBE one fight a year. Neither has plans for a fighter this year of well into next year for that matter.

IN my opinion the UFC heavyweight division is getting a lot better. a few years or even months ago i would agree it was getting stale but things are picking up.

To answer the first question, the UFC does not need Fedor or Overeem though it would be nice and the end of strikeforce credibility

In repsonse to how they would do in the UFC. i don't know for sure. I think They would be like what Lesnar an over rated fighters or at the least fighters past their prime who in all honesty probably couldn't succeed in UFC main event matches.
Yes the heavyweight devision is rather boring other than a few fighters. But Fedor is out of his time. They brought Cro Cop in thinking he would be the same at 35 just like he was at 28. As for Allistair Overeem he is quite a fun fighter to watch and would bring more action into the heavyweight divison. But he is currently signed with strikeforce.