U.s. No Gas Day

Do you just find it difficult to agree with me? Or is it everyone? ... Or was the struggle with something else entirely?
Petrol costs me 20p (35c) per mile on average. It hurts it hurts.

The American price would be about a quarter of that I think.
That's the most reasonable explanation I've ever heard ... but I hate to even think it, because of what it says about my country. ( )

But here's my thinking (and if I'm wrong, I'm wrong -- I really don't understand the Iraq war):
(1) The Iraqi citizens are in trouble because Saddam is evil. We save their butts at a cost of zillions of dollars to the American taxpayers such as myself.
(2) The world is in trouble because of terrorists everywhere. We're working hard to save everybody's butt, at a cost of zillions of dollars to the American taxpayers such as myself.

1 + 2 should equal "we get cheap oil as our reward." But it doesn't. And I'm utterly, totally, completely, 10000% baffled.
I personally think that we should not do this protest. lets tell our politicians that we dont care about gas prices! Our bitching and moaning is why we keep going to war!
Nooooooooo!!!!!!! Not another thread to get derailed by the war thingy!!!!!!!

*dives off the edge of the valley!*

I'll save you!!!

*jumps in after cain, only to find out that is wasnt a valley, it was the gorge from Lion king where the antelope stampeded!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh THUMP!

Oh Jesus! a stampede!! *
All you conspiracy theorists, listen. I'll just say this one time.

The reason gas/oil prices have risen in the US is because the value of the dollar has dropped significantly.
Michael, your very young and I know its difficult to understand. But Bush isn't in it for the betterment of the United States. He is doing it for his buddies. Go a little deeper into the contracts for the companies who are in Iraq. Look who their officers are, almost to a man, they have ties to Bush or Cheney. The world isn't a rosy place where everything turns out fine. Just wait until after the next election to see what kind of things Bush has in store for us, IF he wins. I'd vote for ANYONE, before I'd vote for Bush. One example: Look at the officers of the company that just got the contract for the electronic voting machines, an old buddy of Georges, who donated tens of thousands to the RNP. You think the cards aren't stacked??? Just food for thought.

Id like to further discuss my hatred for our president but this particular thread is not the appropriate place (except for the oil prices part)... if anyone wants to rant about good ol George, pm me please, id love to hear it.
*blasts the antelopes away with his yellow bamboo powers*

Now you see the power of spiritual martial arts! HAHA!
First of all, it's "you're", not "your"; that drives me nuts.

Secondly, I'm very young? I'm 27, I've been supporting myself for almost 12 years, I have a very good job, a big house, a nice car, two kids, and an ex-wife after 7 years of marriage. I believe that counts as more than a little life experience. I am not an ignorant child or a backwoods idiot. I am very intelligent, very educated, and very well-spoken. I understand just fine. You make it sound as if you're a 90 year old Chinese wise man. You're what, like 45? That's not old enough to tell me that I'm "very young". I really appreciate the condescension, however.

How deep would you like me to go? Would you like to discuss the $2 billion plus awarded to KBR, which is a subsidiary of Halliburton, which was headed by Cheney until he left in 2000 to run for office with Bush? Or perhaps you'd like to discuss the $1 billion awarded to Bechtel? Maybe you'd like to discuss the fact that former Secretary of State Schultz is on the board at Betchel, or that the CEO is on the presidential export council, or that the senior vice president is on the Defense Policy Board? Maybe you'd like to discuss the fact that both of these contracts, as well as many others, were awarded without any competitive bids being considered? Or perhaps you'd like to discuss the millions of dollars in campaign funds contributed by the 70-odd companies that were awarded major government contracts? Again, how deep would you like me to go? Why do you assume that I don't already know and even *gasp* understand these things?

Do you honestly think that any politician isn't "in it" for themselves? Of course Bush/Cheney have awarded billions in government contracts to their friends, business associates, and political supporters. It's impossible to reach a position of political power without owing a lot of favors. It sucks, but that's the way the system works, and, at least for now, we're stuck with it. If you'd like to continue to berate Bush for this, that's certainly your right. However, I hope you understand that he hasn't done anything in this regard that another person in his position wouldn't have done as well.

I hope that I never have to find out what Bush has in store for us, as I sincerely hope that he does not serve another term. I'm very glad that you're not voting for him - I'm not voting for him either. I don't know why you assume that I have a hard-on for Bush. I don't recall saying anything that would indicate that I support his political or personal agenda, and in fact, have made several comments (on this board even!) to the contrary. If you like, I'd be happy to find and link some threads for you.

Regarding the electronic voting machines, are you referring to Diebold, or ES&S? Both have extremely strong political and personal ties to Bush, so I'm not exactly sure which one you meant. In any case, are you surprised that after fixing one election and getting away with it, he's going to try to fix the next one?

Anyway, this has all been very interesting, if a huge waste of time, as you did not address the issue of increased gas prices in the US due to the devaluation of the US dollar. If you'd like to discuss that in a rational manner, explaining why you disagree and even possibly providing evidence to support your viewpoint, please feel free to do so. If you would like to ignore the subject of this thread and continue to rant about how much you dislike Bush, please feel free to do that as well. However, I would appreciate it if in further posts you would refrain from making assumptions and thinly veiled insults regarding my age, maturity, intelligence and/or education.
Going back to the original, and expressing my feelings ont he subject, I welcome back Yoda -

It's like just over a frigging dollar a gallon or something in America. What a joke. Under a quid a litre. Somebody call the Fair Trade people
Like America doesn't use enough of the crap anyway.
actually it's about 2 dollars a gallon, but we're still faring a lot better than you guys.

and aikimac, that is complete BS. we didn't save anyone, we wanted cheap oil and that's about the sum of it. we don't deserve a reward, we don't deserve anything for what we've done to their country.

and for the record, anyone who can support bush after all of the crap he's pulled (TIPS, PATRIOT ACT, more or less lying about WOMD) doesn't deserve to vote. at least, they don't deserve to vote anymore than all those poor democrats who apparently didn't deserve to vote in florida.
I've seen a few studies that claim the miles-per-gallon is slightly less, but the difference is so nominal it's hardly an issue. Clouding is also an issue but that's easy enough to deal with. Check this out http://biodiesel.org/pdf_files/Myths_Facts.PDF

Now, diesel engines are more expensive in the short term and of course there would be a lengthy transitional period, but imagine reducing our oil consumption by 50% or more. In warm climates running B100 is not an issue and in colder climates using 50/50 and or fuel heaters (which many do already). So much for our foreign oil interests, price hikes and wars. While we're at it, lets talk about securing America from terrorists. Diesel generators for homes and businesses, go ahead and attack the power grid, we'll just switch to generator power and continue as usual while the damage is repaired. Public utilities would now be a convenience not a necessity, you could use public power or maintain your own equipment, giving you a choice. That's what I miss about the new America: We used to have options (choices). We scream with outrage at the torture and destruction other nations inflict on peoples bodies oblivious to what our culture does to our minds and hearts.
You can't tell me you don't see people just going through the motions everyday. They're dead and waiting for the body to catch up.

Hey, what about reducing utility costs instead of wages to make a factory competitive?

The ingredients are vegetable oil (soybean, canola, corn etc...), lye (Sodium hydroxide) and methanol.

Should I bring up Ethanol. Here's another big question, why does the price of fuel go up when we switch to the summer blend fuel (10-15% ethanol)? This is like a bartender watering the drinks and charging more. (Limited supply my a... uh...foot! It's gasoline mixed with an unfiltered cousin of Everclear.) Making fuel grade alcohol is easier then making potable alcohol.

Why is diesel more expensive when its easier to distill? How about primary tar? It's a substance produced from coal with nearly identical properties to crude oil. At the basic level fuel is a hydrocarbon, the source of the hydrocarbon is somewhat irrelavent.

I'm tired of the disposable society that's being foisted upon us. It's time to stop deferring issues to the next generation. Get educated, get involved, don't accept things at face value, ask questions especially the uncomfortable ones. Can we create a utopia? It's doubtful, but I'd like to remain optomistic. Can we do better then what we have now? YES! Much better.

If you really want to make a difference start by pushing for better public transit, subsidies for alternative vehicles, company transportation programs, alternative fuel deployment grants etc... Better yet don't ask, demand! File motions to remove politicians that don't comply with the wishes of the people from office. Hey, if you don't do what your boss asks what happens? Why do our "elected officials" exempt from this. What this country needs in politics is true accountability. Make some noise, be heard, don't take no for an answer, keep pressing, make sure they understand that if these changes aren't forth coming there will be hell-to-pay. So anyone up for a worthwhile fight

(Got myself a soap box, a torch, a pitchfork and a map of D.C. who's with me? )
Gah! You people and your stupid gas price theories! Don't you watch the news? China's economy skyrocketed. They have factories, and jobs, and such, and are buying oil like crazy. Oil companies fear there might not be enough oil for the summer, so they are making the prices go up.

Bush isn't regulating the prices, since companies buy directly from OPEC.

Iraq has little to do with it. It's still a , they have no oil for us to buy.

I don't know much about fuels, but doesn't Diesel give off more polution than unleaded?


Please stop using that word, PL, this is the second time today I've had to delete it from one of your posts...
Diesel is quite a bit less pollutant than gasoline, it only looks bad because of the old soot burping diesels in trucks and things.(looking for stats on it) Don't you just hate it when people actually talk about what the thread was about?
I must restate. No one'll buy gas on the 19th ok? Then everyone will just buy on the 20th. We have to stop using it like a walk to work day.

USA paying TOO much for gas.

Damn. You guys use the majority of that stuff. How about this.

INSTEAD of you whining that the price of gas is going up, WHY dont your start buying cars that give you more economical fuel consumption. If you all did that and the old crappy cars that drunk the gas quickly werent selling the main companies would start producing better, more economical cars. Then you would still be paying lots for gar, but it would get you further.

Or we could all support u in this, ensure you get even CHEAPER gas which will just mean you use EVEN more, especially after Y'all pulled out of Kyoto!!!


Put prices up in the USA i think. That will soon force the consumers to use less gas and also make you guys DEMAND better cars from the main companies.

Then we can all breathe easily.........