Tumblr Alt Reblog Isn't Working?


Feb 12, 2008
so earlier today the new tumblr update with the icons for reblog, like, notes, etc. on the bottom of the posts started on my account. i have had missing e installed for a while. but ever since this new tumblr update, everytime i click alt+reblog to reblog something, it downloads the picture instead of reblogging it. has anyone had this problem/is there any way to fix it? i hate having to leave the dashboard everytime i want to reblog something.
its fucking yahoo. they bought out tumblr and now they're changing so much stuff. i don't mind the update, but taking away the short cut is absolutely ridiculous. its a change that did not need to happen. FUCK YOU YAHOO I HATE YOU
Why would you press that anyway? It isn't that hard to just click on the picture and reblog it
i don't know what's happening. this exact thing is happening to me too and it's pissing me off.