TTC. I'm so tired of the let down! RANT?


New member
Mar 19, 2010
My husband and I have been ttc for about 5-6 months. I am so tired about getting excited and worked up, just to be let down when I get a BFN. I'm anxious about it, and no matter what i can't stop thinking about it. I stay on the computer four hours reading symptoms, and success stories. I try to stay positive about a small symptom, and look it up but it relates to menstrual cycle OR pregnancy. I'm so scared. I just want my BFP.. I am around 7-8dpo, and I have slight abdominal cramps. I've had them for a few days. My boobs are sore, on the top towards my armpits, and my nipples are sensitive with a different sensation. That's about it. I'm due for my period on the 22nd this month. I ovulated around March 11th. Today, 3/18/2010 I noticed some cloudy ish stretchy cervix mucus, and what seemed like some white lotion-y discharge mixed in with it. Please help me out, and give me your opinions, advice, and/or stories.. Thanks so much.
First of all, I would relax and be patient. No need to be anxious about anything. In the lords time you will get your bfp..Until then relax and enjoy! We can sometimes want something so bad we will convince ourselves of symptoms....Just be patient...****BABYDUST**** your way and God bless you! I pray you get a BFP soon!
hi there...same situation was relieving to see someone who does the same thing as me..sorry sis..i cant offer much advice as to the symptoms you have,anyway let it be a BFP, i can share my and my hus have been ttc for past four months and this is the fifth month of ttc..Most of the time am browsing net to seek some help and to offer some help to those out there..actually i have been researching on ttc, ovulation, pregnancy etc since we started ttc.And when my periods date is due i succesfully push it ahead a few days with my stress and my ambition to become preg,but periods appear after that.whenever my periods date is due i lose my sleep..lie down whole night thinking of baby..and when i see the red stain i get so angry and irritated.but nw i have learned to adjust a little more.browsing net helps me a lot,especially this i meet all those who share the same woe.its like friends get together.and i believe we wil succeed.god just wants to give baby to us when we are fully ready in al ways to accept him/her,so just dont worry..if we keep on thinking about preg we might just experiance the same symptoms as preg when our periods date is due.have you seen a doc?you might just consult a doc,cause it might be a simple reason which is standing bet you and your baby,i recently went to my doc,nd found out that i was ttc the wrong time all these months,thought ovulation was on 14th day as my cycle is regular,but it seems that i get my ovulation a week before my might be you missed some imp thing,atleast talk to a doc and relieve al this unwanted tension.god bless you with a sweet baby soon....