trying to concieve please read!! Wud Luv a buddie in the same boat as me!?


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Hi everyone, I found this site few weeks ago. I had the smallest bleed for a period last mt. I was after been on steroids/antibiotics but also trying to concieve. This is our first few mts trying. I took tests all negative but was feeling the 'pregnancy symptoms'. I became obsessed with every ache/tiredness/swollen boobs... & buying expensive tests & to be honest i had my self convinced i was pregnant. But i got my period bang on the same date and am having a full period now. I guess i just want to say that if anyone is in the same boat as me, i would love to hear from you. I was on this site and many more each day.. i was comparing my symptoms and all i was having was my ovulation symptoms... I just wanted to ask of you are leaving a message with 'Am i pregnant' 'had only spotting last mt' , can you follow it up with you are or your not for the people out there that are building their hopes and dreams up each mt & having similar symptoms. I am going to start again next & i would luv a buddie in the same boat as myself. Period on 22nd April - 32 day cycle.
Wishing you all the best & luck x