Truck Driving Schools. Do you know a list of semi truck driving schools? I'm...

well it took me a little while to find me one that seemed like it was worth going to, if they're close enough to check out you should check out how good the equipment is and where the practice yard looks like, i checked one out but didn't seem to great, the one i went to was 5 hours away so couldn't check it out ahead of time but it ended up being alright, equipment sucked but the instructors were really good, some trucking schools don't teach much so you got to watch out for those, only reason i went 5 hours away was because it was in the mountains and if you know how ti drive 18 wheelers in the mountains you can pretty much drive anywhere other than in winter weather, just don't look into them good especially if it has some kind of job search where they help find a trucking company for you once your done, the school i went to did but didn't help me since i was 20 and couldn't drive out of the state of NC since you have to be 21 to drive a CDL truck out of state, but once you get comfortable a big rig is bad a** to drive, and it was funny seeing people get out of your way when they see a big rig with "STUDENT DRIVER" all over it haha
well it took me a little while to find me one that seemed like it was worth going to, if they're close enough to check out you should check out how good the equipment is and where the practice yard looks like, i checked one out but didn't seem to great, the one i went to was 5 hours away so couldn't check it out ahead of time but it ended up being alright, equipment sucked but the instructors were really good, some trucking schools don't teach much so you got to watch out for those, only reason i went 5 hours away was because it was in the mountains and if you know how ti drive 18 wheelers in the mountains you can pretty much drive anywhere other than in winter weather, just don't look into them good especially if it has some kind of job search where they help find a trucking company for you once your done, the school i went to did but didn't help me since i was 20 and couldn't drive out of the state of NC since you have to be 21 to drive a CDL truck out of state, but once you get comfortable a big rig is bad a** to drive, and it was funny seeing people get out of your way when they see a big rig with "STUDENT DRIVER" all over it haha
There so many out there, try the nearest collage, sometimes the bigger trucking fleets will get you set up if you drive for them.