Today's Nontroversy: We Never Had Beyoncé Pegged For A Kylie Minogue Fan



Beyoncé's metamorphosizing-robot performance "Get Me Bodied" at last night's BET Awards has caught the eye of a thousand Kylie Minogue obsessives, who are in a tizzy over the admittedly strong similarities between her arrival onstage and the way Minogue opened her shows way back in 2002. A clip of Kylie's entrance is above, and we have to say that watching it, we felt a bit bad for B: On first watch, we thought she kinda looked like a dollar-store Oscar replica, but the performance's low production values (are her suit's doors creaking?) were made only more obvious after watching the Australian diva's quite-form-fitting outfit, which was obviously inspired by repeated watchings of Tron.
Kylie Minogue - Come Into My World Fever Tour Manchester [YouTube, via Crunk + Disorderly]
