to ride bike great distance to party with possibly great consequences, or to not.

Back in my day we didn't have bikes...we had keg parties at Stonehenge. We had to make our own beer, slaughter our own goats, cut down trees for the fire with a blunt rock. Then we had to carry these giant wooden kegs miles to the henge, sacrifice an animal or two, have ritualistic pagan sex before nary a drop was drunk.
get a friend to give you a ride???? what are you a loser???? like brah cmon brah not gnar at all your so un-gnar
This is TREYMAN_2000.
i herd about this thread and he hasnt been seen since that night. there is a search going on for him right now.

if anyone has info plz pm me so i can contact police.
he's missing you fag. dont make fun of him he could be dead right now because your dumbasses all told him to go.
i'll figure out your ip's and get the cops to give you a visit.
post reported.