To bush supporters?


Apr 5, 2008
why is this country doing so bad ?bush is the so called president isn't he?and you support him dont you ? then why are you not aware of the economy,enployment numbers ,houseing,the coast of the war.the reason were at war.gas prices.deficet climbing.the peoples outlook on this country.what reason do you have other then personal gain to support him?with personal gain being meny reasons for bush supporters ,as the country falls what will be the worth on your self gain when your without a country to live??
I support him and conservatives because we are proper people, don't live in trees as a form of protest, don't badmouth the US Marine Corps and say that they are "unwanted in Berkeley, CA", don't really care about other people's problems and would rather have them duke it out without us butting in, we have white collar jobs and jobs that we can be proud of, we support the war because without it, our leader would be wearing a robe and turban, and we would be slaves to terrorists.....

Also, I'd rather live in the US under a republican president than living in other countries where if you badmouth them, they will kill your family. Third world countries have to wait in line for gas and food..... They also have primitive education and medical aid. Is that what the liberal leftist extremists and democrats want? A miserable life without freedoms? If so, then go live with the Taliban or AlQaida and see if it's better than living under Geo. Bush.
It would be nice to blame everything on one man, that way we could have IMPEACHED the last democrat president a little sooner.The American crises we have going on right now is nothing new, most of it was started years ago, even before the Clinton years.Most was started by the carter administration, but still, we cant blame a single person, not even the president.If that is true, when something happens when we have a new president in office, will we blame him/her.People are to quick to want to blame something on someone.Take hurricane "Katrina", we waisted so much time and money trying to blame someone for the catastrophe. We should have used all the money for the hearings to help our fellow neighbors find some shelter and food.The only way we are going to save this country, and let me repeat WE, is come together and stop the bickering and whining about a president.We have congress, senators,representatives,for our checks and balance.I myself am a republican, but if a democrat nominee would win the office, I would stand behind anything they called for, why? Because I'm an American first. P.S. The gas prices are bad, but the next time you're out, look at all the big vehicles people are driving in America, big 4x4 trucks with one person in it to run up to the local store and get a six pack, not to say anythings wrong with a six pack.LOL, but you can see what I mean. Lets just all try harder.
Obviously, I'm NOT going to be getting the 'best answer' here.
The country is doing badly? Could've fooled me. What are you basing this assumption on and what are you comparing our current status to to arrive at 'bad'? The stock market is at an insanely high level, unemployment is at 5.1%, with the average being 4.6% last year (compared to the Carter years when it was around 7% or the Clinton years when it averaged 6.5%). GDP is up, most indicators are extremely positive.

We enjoy freedoms unprecedented in the history of mankind. We enjoy levels of luxury beyond imagination only a few decades ago. The biggest health crisis affecting our 'poor' is being overweight. Home ownership is near all time-record high levels. The cost of the war is a trifle compared to prior conflicts and compared to the cost of NOT fighting it.

The people's outlook on this country is due to the constant drumbeat of defeat, anti-Americanism and outright self-loathing perpetuated by people like you and the Western Media.

Personal Gain? Really? Where's MY check? Strangely, I haven't gotten much personal gain out of the Bush Administration. What is MY reason? Because, in the words of Abe Lincoln, "I can't spare this man. He fights." He is the only one who would fight the Long War. I dislike most of his policies but he is now my Commander in Chief and I'll support him. I supported him BEFORE I joined because of that willingness to take the fight to the enemy.

So, what is YOUR logic behind hating him and this country so durn'd much? You seem convinced that everything is horrible and failing and collapsing and we're all on the verge of being herded into camps - where's YOUR reasoning? What civil rights have you lost? How poor are you, especially compared to the rest of the world?

You are clueless. I'm guessing you're a Freshman in college or in High School and totally enamored of the 'anti-war' hip crowd because they have cute slogans and NO facts.

"so called President"? No, he IS the President, until the next one takes office next year. That's how it works, child. And I'm willing to bet that I'm CONSIDERABLY more aware of various economic and employment numbers than you are. Do you even know the difference between the deficit and the national debt - which I think is what you were meaning to refer to?

I have a country to live in.
It's called Texas and we're doing just fine!
My husband is a mechanic for a great company and just got a pay raise, we support Bush because he doesn't take sh!t and that's the kind of president i like.
Orion said most of it for me.
I have a country to live in.
It's called Texas and we're doing just fine!
My husband is a mechanic for a great company and just got a pay raise, we support Bush because he doesn't take sh!t and that's the kind of president i like.
Orion said most of it for me.
After reading your post I realize that something should be done about our education system. Have you ever heard of spell check or did Bush take that away from you too?

I don't understand how you can complain about how "bad" the country is doing when you're typing your misspelled bullshyt on a computer while third world countries can't afford electricity.

Bush can cause hurricanes to attack blacks only. He can make the WTC collapse for his buddies in Big Oil. He can cause tsunami's to attack Muslims, he can blow up a Space Shuttle to cover up his war failures, and he can collapse a bridge in Minneapolis. He can cause the Governor of New York to hire prostitutes and he screwed the Democrat Primaries in Florida and Michigan by "making" the DNC not count delegates. ALL of these conspiracies he makes work FLAWLESSLY, and you all call him an idiot??? Wow !! Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar and couldn't even hide a BJ with a 21yo intern or a rape of a democrat supporter in Arkansas (Juanita Broderick).

My life is kicking along just fine and so are my neighbors. Unemployment here in Arizona is still near all time lows. The stock market is good the last time I checked, and gas prices are lower than in 1982 when figured for inflation.

Now my taxes are too high, but that's a democrat problem. They want to take my tax credits away that BUSH signed in. So FuK the democrats and viva la BUSH. Anyone who can pss off you slimy libs is OK by me.
because they are a bunch of dumb@55 republican evangelical, WASPs(white anglo-saxon protestant) who blindly follow a man because their radical preacher told them to.
I live in another country,(so some of you will say butt out, eh so what) where thankfully we have just got rid of our 'bush loving' prime minister and guess what?? people are happier and are beginning to TRUST others again, no more living in fear!! cant you guys see that the gov gets what it wants by making you all scared to death of an unknown/unseen enemy!! Bush is only part of it I think Rumsfeld and Cheney (spelt wrong I'm sure) are the scariest terrorists ever to walk the earth. How many deaths are they responsible for????
oil, oil, oil!!!! power, power, power
it makes me sick