This show is so exciting----Prison Break!


Feb 25, 2011
When the writers Prison Break DVDstrike was happening, my mother and I were desperate for anything to keep us entertained ... few people spoke of "Prison Break", so we thought: Why not?Two words: Holy shit! The first album was both of us screaming at the CSI: Las Vegas DVDTV, and soon, we have not done anything because of it. Soon, my brother joined the Board of about 5, and all three of us have been sucked into this show does not disappoint, if you like shows like Lost or compelx hot guys, as theOne Tree Hill DVD supernatural. This guessing and begging for more after the finale. If you are tired or just can not find something to watch, to get lost in Prison Beak! This show is so exciting! It's definitely worth getting the season ... not have to waitSopranos DVD until next week, or ads! I'm so glad I bought! I liked it! I did not start watching until the second season, Prison Break, so I added a DVD Season One located on the wish list, and my sister bought for me for Christmas. I saw all six CDs (22 episodes) in three days! I couldScrubs DVD not tear myself away from the TV. Also, how hot is Wentworth Miller!