This pedophile talked to me online...did I do the right thing by telling him off?


New member
Jul 2, 2008
He messaged me on Yahoo! Messenger. At first everything seemed normal, although I'm always a bit wary on there because you never know who people are. He asked me how old I was, and I told him my age...15. He seemed fine with that. So I asked him his age. He said "oh uhh probably a bit old lol haha." I said "oh really how old?" He said "Ahaha probably about your parents age." I said "So then how old would you be?" he said "hahaha um upper 40's." I said "oh cool." it was only 20 minutes into the conversation when he started asking me weird things. He asked me the following: "what undergarments are you wearing?" "you look nice in them right? i bet you do." "do you shave down there?" "would you like it if i ever touched you anywhere?" "do you have a bf?" "how far are you along in puberty?" While he was asking me these extremely pervish questions, I looked at his Yahoo!Pulse. Someone had commented on one of his updates that they hoped he got their email, and that they had copied the inappropriate content he had posted to young girls and minors, and that his IP address was being tracked, and he would be faced with felony charges. So after I read that, I said to him "You do know your IP address is being tracked right?" And I copy/pasted the post the person had put on his pulse and said "You should be more careful and quit saying explicit things to young girls, huh?" He didn't answer for the longest time, and finally said "yeah oh yeah oh gosh im sorry what am i going to do now im really sorry" I said "Try leaving minors alone then and go find someone your own age." I pretty much told him off, then blocked him and reported his profile. Was that the right thing to do?