This might sound crazy, but I dreamt about a ghost who told me about my


New member
Jul 15, 2009
future. Could his predictions be real? Sorry for the dramatically-worded question, but this is something I really want to ask. I just woke up about a half an hour ago from a very strange, realistic dream. I was in my house with my sister and my friend. I noticed a group of people through my window; they were a short distance from my house, in my side yard. On closer inspection, I saw that some were definitely corporeal, but some had a weird red glow, and some were transparent and ghostlike. I didn't pay very close attention to most of this crowd, so I don't know if I recognized any of them. I came outside; my friend and sister followed. There was one ghost that was near us. I remember that he was heavyset with dark hair, a large nose, and a faded blue NASCAR t-shirt. I don't think I've ever seen him in my life before. He greeted us and he suddenly was at the top of a random white staircase that appeared in our backyard. We climbed it, and he started telling things about our future. The first thing he told us was a sort of riddle; it was about my sister, and he said something about half her name. She didn't understand but after a while, I said, "Oh! I get it! She'll fall in love with someone named Ian!" (Her name is Gillian.) He confirmed this, and suddenly I got nervous and ran down the staircase, trying to leave the ghost's presence. He said knew why I was apprehensive, it was because I knew what was coming next and I didn't want my friend to hear it. He was right, because he told me in detail about how my (romantic) relationship with this friend would start, and that we'd try to keep it a secret but she would let the secret out and we'd have a really hard time (we're both girls.) Now, I've been in love with this friend for a while, but I'm way too nervous to say anything to her. I sometimes get the feeling that she feels this way too, but I just don't know, and I've been dying for certainty about this relationship. This dream felt so real that when I woke up I asked my sister if she knew anyone named Ian. (She said she knew many Ians.) I just really feel like a dream about a prophetic ghost could hold some truth. Has this ever happened before? Is this even a possibility? Or am I just being hopeful?
Sorry for the length.
if i were you i would wait a little bit to see if it comes true and then if it does freak out O.O
I had a dream b4 my father my dream my friends father died at the age of 51 and n my dream I replied my father died at 51 also which n real life he was 49 at the time n was still alive..waking from da dream I was thinking what was da meanin n also hope my father don't die at 51.....long story short I never told my father about my dream nun surely on dec 8 2008 my father died at the age of 51.... So dreams are amazingly shockin
i had a dream where i danced with this girl i really like and she kissed me. doesnt mean its gonna happen. don't overthink the dream. just see it as what it is, A DREAM.
No Need: Satan and his minions have launched a subtle attack against you in an attempt to trap you in a homosexual relationship. Don't fall for this. The feelings you have will pass. You are likely a late bloomer, which is a blessing. Getting sexually active before marriage leads to many regrets in life. Look at all the diseases you will avoid by not getting sexually active; that alone is incentive to stay pure. By waiting for the right man, you will develop character, which will help you in making wise decisions later in life. About this friend you have feelings for: you can be great friends, and perhaps in the future, she can be one of your bridesmaids or Maid Of Honor when you get married to a good man? God is saying it's fine to be great friends with her, but nothing more. Enjoy yourself! Don't give in to peer pressure; you'll be happier by not giving in!