This is weird.. Cowboy Bebop Anime movie.?


New member
Feb 24, 2009
I'm sure all of you know, saw the anime cowboy bebop. or at least most of you. it has a movie, and a couple seconds sometime in the movie it shows the twin tower. the weird thing is, the release date for that movie was September 2001, which is when the 9/11 attack too... I've looked pretty good on the internet and no one's ever asked or mentioned this, and I've seen this movie so many times and i JUST notice it. Isn't this really weird? why was this movie not dismissed on that day like a lot of other shows were cancelled due to that day. Has anyone ever noticed that? Weird.
I'm not sure I understand your question here. It's been so long since I watched the movie, so I don't really remember there being the twin towers included in it. But I wouldn't find it surprising anyway.

They started production for this movie since year 2000, and it just so happens that it premiered in Japan on 1 Sept 2001, not long before the incident happened. I'm not sure what were the Japanese people's reaction towards it, considering the dates were so close. But I'm sure they were as shocked as the rest of the world were at the time.

But I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean "why was this movie not dismissed on that day like a lot of other shows were cancelled due to that day".

Dismissed from what, exactly? The cinemas? The movie came out before the it happened, not after.

Release date taken from here: