This disgusts me!

Accidents caused by negligence whether they be at home or in the workplace? Pregnancy maybe? That's a choice, maybe they should pay. You could probably whittle down the list of eligible people to none. Think of the savings

all that would happen is the insurance companies would hike up the premiums costing everyone even more money. Everything in this country relies on the road networks, increase the costs even more an inflation rises

well the only objection I can think of is the money smokers cost the NHS, financially smokers are the best customers as they have already paid for any treatment many times over. Now if somebody buys all their cigarettes abroad then you might have a point but who would know? If the government wanted to really stop smoking then let's just make it illegal. I'm sure the £10 billion raised each year won't be missed by the NHS or any other body within the country
Uk's fattest man costs NHS £1 million over 15 years (AIRC), cost of saying go away and lose weight=nil.
Just so you know....I'm sending you a bill for corrective eye surgery.

Please be kind to us maofftopicls and don't post stuff like that again.

- Mark Spada
and if the NHS had treated him for his eating disorder 15 years earlier, instead of sending him on his way, it would have been a tiny fraction of that cost. Prevention is cheaper than cure.

Why don't we stop the NHS treating anyone over the age of 40? That would save us billions in cancer treatment! Let's face it, age is a much better predictive factor in sickness than pretty much anything else. If we're going to restrict NHS services to people who aren't likely to get sick, we should definitely start with old people.

...oooorrrrrr we could stop being morons and just get on with treating the people who need it.
The average woman has 7 cavities for men's desires, this particular example at least that to the power of 2.

Pizza the Hut is alive I tells ya'!
It must be amazingly lonely right up there on that ole' high horse of yours. When you come down we'll have a beer and a curry and maybe a bit of life eh?
Self inflicted is a broad term. Are people who walk around cities responsible for diseases caused by pollution? Are people who work in offices responsible for back injuries caused by sitting behind a desk? Are people who use public transport responsible when they catch the flu from their fellow travellers?

I am not so convinced that you are of such a perfect lifestyle yourself. All that bile you carry round is likely to cause ulcers. Self inflicted?
I'm just impressed that Brendo believes in nationalised healthcare. From his past history, I'd've thought he'd want profit-driven insurance companies fighting over our corpses.
People who massively over eat, over drink, smoke are clearly very different to people who catch flu on the tube.

You may wish your tax £ to go to allowing the grossely fat to continue eating, personally I would rather the money that I put into the finite pot the is the NHS go to people who need it.
Nope, I think that the NHS is a great institution. Sadly we cant cover everything, costs are going up, the population is aging etc etc.

If we try to cover everything the system will collapse.

Why are we denying certain cancer care whilst at the same time feeding the fat and stupid?

I can't help but think that the NHS side steps Darwinism.
As I've already said smokers give tenfold what they cost. You can't use an economic argument against them
I beg to differ: