things you do that you wonder if anyone else does

if ever im waiting for something, or im alone, eg waiting outside work, i sometimes pretend im on the phone and have a chat with a dead end..haa :(
I find with practice, cereal in particular, the ratio of milk to cereal is alright, and always lots of milk, so everythings cooler and more refreshing!!

Worst ratios.. Sausage mash and beans, I just can NOT get the ratio rise, and I hate having dry mash or just mash and beans! arghhhh
vintage_007 said:
I do the tile pattern thing...

I check inside my wardrobe every night - not sure what for!


I have heard a story where some wierdo crept in to a woman's house and hide underneath her bed.When she was sleeping,she was woken up by noise from under the bed.She was so terrified that she she suffered a heart attack.
Since then i too make a point of inspecting all the wordrobes and anywhere else a person can hide.
I do/have done everything u just posted

I slow down in narrow passageways when people are behind me

I pretend to be deaf / dumb when meeting new people (not all the time)

When i was a kid i use to sit on the top of the stairs, and slide my bum down to the next one, till i reached the bottom.
i do the shower thing :) but i also count words in songs sometimes and see if they always end on the same finger.
This!! As well as the running man thing. But not if I'm driving :no: that would be dangerous! :eek:
All of those, especially the last. I imagine him swinging on lamp posts too :yep:

If I'm hearing a tune in my head, I'll nash my teeth along to it

If a tune goes too fast ie, on telly, I'll remember the amount of notes and play it back on my fingers untill I get the right amount.

I'll pick out faces in patterns. Anything, curtain, carpet, granny wallpaper...
when walking down the pavement, Lampposts and corners of buildings etc are the origin of invisible lines across the cement which i am compelled to step over. Im sure other people do this though
Haha, +rep. Have you ever done it with your legs? I used to do it with a little muscle behind my knees. I.e. alternate legs for every syllable.

Typing it out makes it sound so bloody strange. Well, I guess it is.
When it comes to food I don't like it touching, especially if it's a liquid ie. if I were to have chips the tomato sauce can't be on it, I have to be able to dip myself or they become to soggy :p:
Curtains, can't have a bit of light shining through the middle so have to make sure the gap is shut, it can get frustrating!
I do the arms folded in the the shower one too.
After a chat with somebody I play the whole conversation again in my mind and think of things i should have said which might have sounded better

I don't like sitting in a room with the door open when I am not facing it.

I used to do calculations with cars registration numbers. + - / * ....

When I eat a hamburger I like to eat it around the edges and then eat the middle.

When I am going to sleep I tuck the blanket under my feet, so that there is no chance any kind of monster, alien or other eveil creature can ticle me.:eek3: lol

I avoid putting the volume of the stereo system to 13.

When there is nobody around I used to set targets to myself.
Example : Leaving the front door of the entrance to close by itself and by then I should have taken all the stairs to my floor.

Sometimes when i am in a bad mood I sit in front of the mirror and make funny faces, I have even talked to my reflection in the mirror
Thank God it didn't respond : ) :yep:

I used to count my steps from one place to other.

i have done the thing with the tiles, although I have done this on a carpet too. And when walking down the streets I step over the lines between the tiles.

Oh an also the bathroom floor in my gran's flat is marbled ( not woth those big tiles, but with the small black and white pebbles ) and when i concentrate on a few pebbles they soon strat to look like soldiers, dinasours, flowerс... etc. One pebble is the head, other is an arm ... and if I include or exclude a few pebles I get a totally different picture