Things that make you go :-)) take two!

Does one snip a wolf in the same way as a dog? Or are there complications? I mean, aside from having to restrain a wolf while you approach his nads...
Had a real breakthrough in my skipping today, I'll soon be skipping like a proper fighter and scaring the guys at the gym Most of them can't skip for daff
Promoted at work, better pay, more hours and i now have minions!

imagine whats possible with an army of 6 little worker bee's!

i have zero tact with people though, going to have to work on that...
possibly i'm hoping to find out what happens if i do.

4 of my minions are female however they might not enjoy it too much.

2 of them are hot too, good times
We get them fairly regularly. We had one a few years ago that you could set your watch by - every night at 10pm it would bimble past the window to the dish of food we'd left for it. They're just so cool, what with the spikes and all - even the cats and the fox leave them alone, and they just sit there all still or curled up, whilst you take their dinner out to them.
I've got one in my garden. I was out late at night and saw this little ball of spikes scampering away from me. Do you think if I fed it it wouldn't run away from me?