Things that make you go :-)) take two!

I am up to my *ahem*elbows in machine tools and vehicles that need fixing. Also, I have found the engineering manuals. Happiness is a man with a tool and the knowledge to use it
overdid it working out and almost passed out. Heheee...yes, I'm still stupid enough aged 21 to consider that a badge of honor.
I have the option, so assuming I don't get lost somewhere in Ipswich on my run I can have a bath with radox and rubber ducks afterwards
(barely) managed a full squat with another guy on my shoulders. got stuck for a few seconds but i did it
i now estimate my effective one rep max for the back squat to be around 65 kilograms, give or take one. i'm so unimpressive (no wonder i suck ass at jumping)
Don't underestimate yourself mr fishy, people are considerably less symmetrical and stable than barbells. you may exceed your expectations with a barbell.
^ This. Squatting with a 65kg person wobbling on your back is far harder than with a 65kg barbell. Not to mention that their centre of gravity will be higher, requiring more use of stabilising muscles.

Well done, BTW!
And the 'trying to bend the bar into a horse shoe' that helps your squatting doesn't usually go down well with people.

This is reminding me that i've been planning on building a slosh pipe.
^You better take some photo's and show us Anth!!

Buy any kind of lenses with it, or did you just get the body?
I got a 18-55mm with the body and a 70-300mm as part of a package deal. Lots of functions that need playing with but I have some ideas for shots involving bubble-wrap, guitars or amps. There's also a military vehicle show nearby this weekend and the schools go back this week so I should be able to get to some other places to investigate