Things that make you go :-)) take two!

Everyone that wants or needs a job is now going to get one. KE is the beginning of the beginning
Rosi Sexton won! Rosi got dominant position several times and poured on some ground and pound and won on points. She has EPIC motor skills. I mean I saw her spin out of a takedown in midair. She pulled off some sweet takedowns of her own too and an explosive one that was pretty much more of a slam.
Though it shouldnt, the knowledge that I'm almost done with this contract (even though its not ending well) makes me strangely happy. Do we need the money? Hell yeah. Am I stressed? You betcha! And yet I'm tickled at the thought that I wont have to drive 48 freakin miles one way to get here and be taken for granted. I'll go work at a gym again if I have to, just get me the hell outa here!
I've just finished a contract 50 miles from home. I thought it was local??
You sure you're in the States?
LOL @ Local. Anything over 25 for me is what I call "packin road snacks" far.

What makes it worse is its in chicago proper. Sometimes just the last 2-3 miles into the city to get to my exit off the freeway can take me 30 minutes. All told I typically spend 3-4 hours of drive time for an 8 hour day at work.

And yeah, I'm in the states. I'm just south of that intelligence sucking abyss called Wisconsin.
Was taking me about an hour. Retail superstores are usually close to good road links
I travel anything under 150 miles each way but that's on motorway where I can just sit at 80ish. Much over and it's a hotel
See that wouldnt be as bad I think. For me it was a lot of stop and go, creeping at 25/30 mph.... the drive seemed endless.

Wow, I said seemed as in past tense. LOL! Looks like in my mind I've already left!
Great when you finish a crap one eh? I did one in Devon over Xmas, 4-5 hours each way, that was hell as the Friday journey would of taken for ever if I'd even left it till lunchtime to come home. Day down every week
singing makes me go

She put de lime in de coconut, drink 'em bot' togeder
she put de lime in de coconut, drink 'em bot' up.
She put de lime in de coconut, drink 'em bot' togeder
put de lime in de coconut, call de doctor woke him up, an' say
Doctuh! ain' dere nuttin' I can take
I say doc-tuh! to relieve dis belly ache
My instructor walking through the door straight up to and shaking my hand for how I fought at a comp over the weekend makes me . A lot
I just knew you were going to post that ... But sadly no. I like to try and keep a reserve of cash in the bank of at least 6 months wages. Especially since I just narrowly avoided redundancy a year ago. And I'm way below that. And my bills are rising.

Time to regroup and take stock of my finances. The things I need. The things I don't need. What I can and can't live without. Clearly food and personal hygiene are luxuries ... besides I just remembered I have an old surround sound system buried in a cupboard I can make do with for now

Now how do I get this dam TV back down off the wall ?
Wish I was sensible. I'd buy a surround sound, tattoo's and crack. OK I lied about the crack
Having DOMS (or more colloquially known as 'two sore fingers') for the first time in ages. Oh the agony and the ecstacy of nearly falling down the stairs because my legs belong to a drunk invalid with the co-ordination of a female navigator.

This could quite easily have ended up in the Grrrrr thread.
It could have, but it wouldn't. You find me a martial artist who doesn't like pain at least a little and I'll show you someone with the wrong kind of hobby!
I saw a reduced branded one in the CPC catalogue the other day and thought 'I know who needs that' mic set-up and a few thousand watts. Loverly!