Things that make you go Mmmmmm....

gummy bears and SC?! ha! whos the sicko now?

no, there are subtle differences that only a master can distinguish by taste
Gummies and Salad Cream?? My dearest Sam, what is wrong with you??

It's okay darling, shhhh, I'm here, shhhh. Together, we can beat this terrible affliction. Shhhh, it's okay baby girl it's okay...
Some things which are 'Mmmmmmmmmmmm' with beer:

- pizza
- sausages
- curry
- pork pie
- crisps

Some things which are 'Bleeeuuughhhh' with beer:

- salad
add salted peanuts to the mmmmmmm with beer list... you think cheesy poofs and the battered doner kebab from my avatar would go well with beer!

maybe the poofs, but i hate doners.
A doner kebab is one of the classic 'apres-session' foods.

But it would also go nicely WITH a pint. Mmmmmm......