Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

...don't tell Burger King that, they might get paranoid!

What made me go grrrr, this week, was Burger King's subtly sarcastic humour - introducing their nutrition section, suggesting that they'd rather not talk about it:

"Have it your way"
left some food at the Resistance Gallery... and would have gone back for it but was travelling with someone to catch the last fast train home from London, there would have been enough time, grrrrr
I have had the hiccups for 31 hours. I've tried every remedy online that I could find. I'm starting to go bonkers.
-15 here, you big softy ...and it's only just began! I draw the line at - 33. That's when I have to wear a scarf and I don't like 'em 'cause they're itchy!
Listening to the chav cleaner talking to another chav office worker.

"Yeah my daughter does ballereening".

I think she means ballet.

She continued:

"Type the name into Google and it'll come all up it innit"?

I am losing the will to live.

It's hard being me. It's hard to soar with eagles...
Meetings. Mind numbing, repeating yourself, I should have just done myself meetings.

The best way to arrange a meeting? Arrange it for three people and hope the other two don't turn up.

Did you sleep in? Are you running around half naked franticly trying to comb your hair, brush your teeth, eat breakfast and find that sock you had a minute ago?
It could be worse. You could have co-workers like mine who need to be told how to do their job every single day. Or perhaps a boss who needs you to explain to him the new method of generating batch numbers that he came up with in the first place and then after half an hour of explanation he still doesn't get it. Product code + the number on the pre-printed header sheet = the full batch number. Both numbers are in easy to scan barcode format. Scan the product code, scan header sheet code. Job done! Why is this hard to understand