Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

Grrrr @ the silly muslims who are still annoyed about the satanic verses. It was written 20 years ago, and it's not even all that offensive. I think the worst you can say about the satanic verses is that it's boring.
I'm still a little bit in shock over this. Some stole my boots while I was in a judo class earlier tonight. I train at the Cambridge University club, and mistakenly believed they were above such things, and maybe a lot were better off (financially) than most but evidently not.

If I see someone wear them at a future date I will punch first and ask questions later, or maybe not even bother with the interogation, just straight to the violence then out again
That's massively out of order.

GRRR clouds meant I couldn't see the northern lights. Better be clear tomorrow, was planning on being super cheesy!
grrr, i shouldn't have done those pushups. i still can't move my shoulders properly, and i can't stretch my left pectoral without massive pain
Some torn faced schemie old cow when I was waiting to get off the bus, ducks under my arm to get a little closer to the door. Ken what, if you want to get off first, sodding well stand up first...
I've run out of plaster halfway through a sculpture. Grrrr at community crafts and their tiny bags of plaster. I'm off to buy a great big bag of the stuff on amazon.
Grrrr, after Bench Workout Wednesday and Judo Thursday my triceps are so sore I can barely straighten my arms. Every friday is becoming 'walk like a robot' day
my phone's battery appears to be deteriorating and it no longer suffices as an alarm clock because of it. this annoys me.
My dad's decided to stop paying maintenance all of a sudden which means no going out for my birthday next week, no getting to Wycombe to train with JWT again next month, and no more gym membership to train with my club. Literally seconds before I got the text telling me I was sat on the bus thinking how good things were recently.
Got called into work last min, cancelled my plans to go to a drum and bass night I'd been licking forward to. Turned up to work, got send home less than two hours in.

Oh and they owe me a substantial amount of money. Very annoyed.
I adore Nine Inch Nails, but I associate their music with the nutjob I used to talk to over the internet who had a psycho episode and threatened to rape me.

This is annoying.

Guess I could rewire by thinking about puppies while listening...
@Finite Monkey: I know how you feel!

Had some freaky ass dream again last night....involved:
-A guy threatening me with a gun
-Nude people
-Unicorns with beards and tenor like voices
-Oddly enough some of my friends
-......a device you used for protection during the act of reproduction

All that, and I think many doors.

Methinks to lay off the milk.
Visualise kicking the crap out of internet stalker psycho guy

Thanks mate...[mumbles]...damncookswiththerehifalutin'ways....[/mumbles]

So what do they feed Canadian cows?